Thursday, July 2, 2009

Operation: Clean my room

this is my room when it is not messy now put lot's of blankets,clothes,fabric and some towels on the floor and you've got my room while it's messy.Right now (not in this photo) it's messy so I rented a book from my church library on cleaning up your room it's called Making my room special and it's written by Emily Barnes.It has helpful ideas and hints and even crafts to make your room clean and organized. The ideas in this book really work so if your room is as messy as mine you should check a library and see if you can find this book!


SmilingSally said...

This room doesn't look so bad to me. The little girl is a cute one.

Hannah said...

That is me it's not a recent photo

ItaJeff said...

Hello have a beautiful and neat room. I like it.
Tq for dropping by and leave your comment at my blog.

Have a nice day
Lots of luv,

Ingrid said...

Looks very nice your room ! I wished I could have blogged at your age ! but computers didn't exist at this time, lol !

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hi Hannah, I really like your blog and your room looks really nice in theses pictures. The bedroom of my youngest daughter sometimes looks like your before picture and she is almost 18 years old!

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