His birthday is December 7.

her birthday is March 14.

her birthday is march 23.
As most of you know we are in
the process of adopting 3 orphans from
Ukraine and know little about them.
for more information visit
But as for me and my house we shall serve
the Lord
As most of you know we are in
the process of adopting 3 orphans from
Ukraine and know little about them.
for more information visit
But as for me and my house we shall serve
the Lord
Wow, What a good looking family...especially your mom!
You are doing a very good job on your blog! I like your pictures and your comments.
Did you take these pictures? They are great!
Are you excited about having 3 new siblings?
Very nice blog, Hannah! I like hearing stories about you and your family (and your soon-to-be 3 new siblings!). I have a little girl named Hannah too, but she's only 3! I hope she grows up to be as sweet as you someday!
Becky Dow
(I knew your Mom and her family when they used to live in NY...we went to the same church!)
I enjoyed looking at your blog. I love all the pictures of your family members. Keep posting more pictures. I'll be checking!
Aunt Kari
Hi Hannah,
I found your blog because I also read your family's blog. My husband and I are going to adopt from Ukraine soon, too!
You are doing a great job on your blog - keep up the good work. Isn't it fun?!?
Jennifer Dove
Welcome to Bloggyland, Miss Hannah Glamma!!!!!!!
I will put your blog on my bloglines so that I can check your latest posts.
You are blessed to have such a nice family. I can't wait to see your photos of your new sibs when they arrive.
Have a good weekend!
mommy daddy grills me
"Grills is how Ivy says "girls".
Hannah, I love your blog - you are doing such a great job! Keep it up!
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