Thursday, December 18, 2008

My dad's Santa Claus

My dad's Santa, I know 'cause Santa isn't fat or old. I've seen him.
Still don't believe me? maybe you're an elf.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

This is Ivy's pumpkin. She got it from her Sunday School last year. Ivy called it a "punkin". She was
obsessed with it! She would not let go not even in the parking lot!

show and tell is hosted by Kelli

Friday, November 14, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

show and tell is ho st ed by kelli
My aunt loves to travel. She brought this back for me one time after visiting china.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Moldovan egg

This is a painted wooden egg from Moldova. I have published another post with an egg similar to this one. My dad brought it back from a missions trip he went on there.
show and tell is hosted by Kelli

Friday, October 17, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

show and tell is hosted by kelli

This is my fall decorating. My sister's pumpkin (left) was found at a yard sale for 5 cents,
And my snow globe (right) was also found at a yard sale for 10 cents.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is Misha!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

This is a May basket I made this year for May Day. We took our baskets to my grandma and her neighbors' houses. It was fun!

Show and Tell is hosted by Kelli

Friday, September 19, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

show and tell is hosted by kelli

This is my box.It is from aunt Elise and uncle Nathan.

I finished organizing it the other day.

Remember this?

Monday, September 8, 2008


Ivy is the youngest of our whole family.

She is so cute.

Her favorite color is pink.

Oh! Did I mention ? She thinks She is a Princess!!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Show and Tell is my great grandma's table cloth.

I found it while organizing my box. I can't wait to show
you some more pictures of stuff I found while working on My room.
I have found a Paper doll from Ukraine, a Space Armada(yes I do play video games), My sister's mini bracelet, and a snow globe.
Thank you for visiting my Show and Tell.

Show and Tell is hosted by kelli

Friday, August 22, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

My Show and tell is my tea set.

Show and tell is hosted by kelli

Friday, August 15, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

My show and tell is a pancake..... Who do you think it looks like?!
I think it looks like Waldo.

show and tell is hosted by kelli

Friday, August 8, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!!!

This is something my dad brought home from the mission trip to Moldova in 2006. We have more but I am not showing them in this post. you can find out more at his website

Show and Tell
is hosted
by kelli

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vitali and Ivy

Once upon a time,in a land far away, There lived a beautiful princess named Ivy
Ivy had always been a little Princess (pwincess). But when Vitali got there she decided to be the
Queen and Vitali instead of being The King was her servant.But Vitali didn't want to be her servant. Vitali wanted to be BIG.
And Ivy was not very happy... She would come home very sad

and she would tell her mommy that "Tawi" said no to her . Eventually Ivy and Vitali played together.But every now and then they got into an argument and had to take a nap.

The End

Friday, August 1, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!!!

My Show and Tell is
this handkerchief my dad got from Moldova. He had his birthday while he was there.
He was there on a mission trip in 2006.
My dad has a website it is called

Show and Tell
is hosted
by kelli

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Owlhaven is having a drawing for a backpack if you want to enter you better hurry the drawing
is today!!!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Show and Tell Friday: Our roller coaster

This is Max. He was going to be a monster on a different
ride only nobody wanted to go on the ride. So he was a pirate
with a pet dragon instead.

This is Annie. She was our princess.

I took pictures of everybody with Annette.
This is Ivy and Annie.

This is Max and Annie.

And this is Misha and Annie.

Show and tell is hosted by Kelli

Monday, June 9, 2008

Messy Man vs. His Mom

Messy Man clean your room.

Come on Mom.... Do I have to?
While you're at it take a bath.


----The cowgirls and the dissapearing indian----

I am gonna go round me up some Indians.

I am coming too!!!

Where did she go?

Hello again.


The End.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This is Max.

He is very bright.

But sometimes he can be mean like a crawfish.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Show and Tell Friday

click your heels together three times and you'll be at there's no place like home

These were my first pair of "ruby slippers." They are
not my size any more but I still like them.
My youngest sister Ivy has a friend named
Anna-marie. But this was before her friend or her were born.
Anna-maria had a grandma.Her grandma
was the one who gave me these cute shoes!
When our family first started to go to
First Baptist Concord Church we met Miss Marie.
Mom told Miss Marie how much I loved Dorothy
And Miss Marie said that Mom should get me
some ruby slippers. Mom said she wanted to but
couldn't bring her self to do it.The next week Miss Marie brought
something with her to church. She had bought me
a brand new pair of ruby slippers! A while later she
died. I was so sad.

Thank you for visiting my Show And Tell.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Look out it's a mad man with a goatee!

I've had this picture for awhile but I thought I'd show it
to you it's a red pepper that I saw at my grandma's
house and I wanted to take a picture of it; It looks like a mad
man with a goatee! You can see his eyes, his mouth, his
gigantic nose, and his goatee!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Show and tell green eggs : )

My show and tell is Green eggs!!!
These are Green eggs they weren't green after we cracked them
though! But they were big!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!!!

These are our nesting dolls from Moldova.The one on the left is mine and the one on the right is my
Sister's. Our little sister Ivy has a Santa Claus nesting doll but my camera was full.

These are Ukrainian story dolls.The one in middle is mine and the one on the left is Annette's and the one on the right is Ivy's

Show and tell is hosted by kelli

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Spring time

back to the lake to get more shells.
Spring is here!

Beautiful sunsets,flowers,etc. In fact just a few days ago I was
standing as still as I could in front of a BUMBLE BEE!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Max is the oldest. He is flirting with me.

Who wouldn't?

This is Misha the BIG ham.

This is Vitali. Vitali likes to yell nyet(no) and throw things at you until you look at him

It is like opening a present.... A BIG one!!!
The boys are here!!!!

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